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When the time comes for a new Subaru vehicle, Herb Gordon Subaru is here to help. We make it easy to pick out the right vehicle, and we’ll help you trade in your current model. Learn about the top signs that it’s time for a new model with support from our expert team.

Repairs Are More Than Vehicle Value

If your vehicle is damaged and the cost of repairs outweighs the vehicle value, it is considered “totaled” by the insurance company. Even if your vehicle hasn’t been damaged, you want to take the time to calculate how much you’ve been spending on repairs and replacement parts. If keeping your vehicle in safe, working condition is starting to cost more than the vehicle is worth, it may be time for a new model.

The Mileage is High

Modern vehicles are built better than ever before, which means they can run for longer without needing significant repairs or replacements. That said, if your vehicle’s mileage is starting to get high, you can expect to see associated repair and replacement needs in the future. A high mileage, much more than the age of a vehicle, can indicate how much wear and tear the car has sustained, and how much life it has left.

It No Longer Fits Your Needs

As our lives change and evolve, so do our vehicle needs. You may want to consider a new Subaru model if your family is getting bigger, if you need more safety features, or if you want a car that can make long road trips. You deserve a vehicle that meets your needs, and that may require purchasing a new model.

Test-Drive New Subaru Vehicles in Silver Spring, MD

No matter what your new Subaru needs may be, Herb Gordon Subaru is here to help. Visit our dealership to pick out the perfect new model for the road ahead today.

Categories: New Inventory