Lease agreement.jpgThere are many reasons to consider a Subaru lease when the time comes for your next vehicle, like access to the latest models on the market and lower monthly payments. If you’re worried about mileage limits, the team at Herb Gordon Subaru is here to put your mind at ease, with a closer look at allotments and what to do if you go over your mileage.

What Is My Mileage Limit?

Most vehicle leases last between two to five years, and you will have a set number of miles for each of those years the lease is in your name. On average, lease mileage limits are typically between 12,000 to 15,000 miles, though you may find leases with fewer, such as 10,000 miles, or more, up to 30,000 miles.

It’s essential to look over this part of the agreement carefully before you sign. If you go over the number of miles allotted for each year, you may find yourself paying a lot in overage charges, so make sure you’re selecting a lease mileage option that meets your driving needs.

What Should I Do If I Go Over My Mileage Limit?

You want to take action before you go over your mileage limit since the fees can add up. If you see that you’ll be going over your limit, ask your lease team in advance to extend your mileage limit. You may see some expenses for this, but nowhere near the cost of paying by the mile.

Lease a New Subaru Vehicle in Silver Spring, MD

When it comes to leasing, Herb Gordon Subaru has you covered. Visit our dealership to learn everything you need to know about the leasing process.

Categories: Finance